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Jackie Gleason Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Jackie Gleason"

Jackie Gleason

What keeps America’s top funny man in the dumps? Here, for the first time, VINTAGE PAPARAZZI gives you the straight facts about . . ....

Jackie Gleason’s Delicate Condition

Jackie was on the so of “Papa’s Delicate Condition” talking about delicate condition of he own—his habits of (1) putting his foot in he mouth and (2) kicking himself in the seat his pants. It appear that the Great One worst enemy is no on...

Go Out To A Movie

THE HOOK M-G-M; Panavision; Director, George Seaton; Producer, William Perlberg (Family) WHO’S IN IT? Kirk Douglas, Nick Adams, Robert Walker, Enrique Magalona....

Elvis Threatened With Murder

Elvis picked up the telephone. The voice said, “I have fifteens seconds to tell you this, you slob, so the cops can’t trace my call. You’re going to die, Presley, and I'm the joker who’s gonna murder you!”...