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All the Brothers Were Valiant Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "All the Brothers Were Valiant"

Hollywood Picture Gallery

DORIS DAY looks at life through rose-colored glasses. And why not? One of Hollywood’s happiest actresses, Dodo cheerfully admits she has everything she wants. With “Calamity Jane” recently finished, Dodo’s next is aptly titled “Lucky Me” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); VERA-ELLEN She dropped...

Hollywood Picture Gallery

Photograph by Estabrook: Rock will be seen in “Magnificent Obsession” Rock Hudson Hitchhiker to the moon . . . a fresh breeze on a sun-scorched desert . .. Brahms and bebop . . . redwood trees dwarfing the countryside . . . ringside at a wrestling match...