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Vera Cruz Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Vera Cruz"

Kings’ Row

For ten years these stalwart standard-bearers of sex appeal have been unchallenged champs. All the bright young men haven’t unseated them yet—and they may reign for ten more. Long Live The Kings!...

Glamour Gab Of Hollywood

Why Gene Tierney can’t come back to Hollywood . . . The Walter Wangers say farewell to a house . . . Natalie Wood and Nick Adams begin to look serious...

Soft-Hearted Menace—Burt Lancaster

He likes to believe he’s hard and stern. But when Big Burt’s around home any resemblance to a tough guy is purely coincidental! . . . Burt figures he was lucky in love. Because if it hadn’t been for his “girl” and his “kidlets,” his...