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Gloria De Haven Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Gloria De Haven" (Page 2)

I Learned About Men

Being “The Body”’ was the happy accident of birth. What’s happened after that isn’t accidental at all—By Marie McDonald...

Go Out To A Movie

I’ll Be Seeing You—The heart will respond to this story with its two-fold purpose—to acquaint us with the care and understanding soon to be needed by our nerve-shattered boys, and to entertain us with one of the sweetest of love stories imaginable....

Moody Vagabond

From oatmeal to orchids—and not too concerned about it all—that’s Tom Drake, who takes life as he finds it and adds his own dash of spice...

Go Out To A Movie

Meet Me In St. Louis (M-G-M)—A STORY replete with charm, color, coziness of home and family, to say nothing of romance, is this so-different musical all wrapped up around a gay ninety tune hit “Meet Me In St. Louis.”...

My G. I. Dates

Here’s the way Lon McCallister does it—on budgeted time and pay. A very popular private speaks up and reveals who’s who on his date list...