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Maureen O’Sullivan Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Maureen O’Sullivan"

How He Proposed

She may be an old married lady, like Janet and Jane and Debbie—she may be a brand-new bride like Marisa and Terry and Anita—but when June comes around, she remembers . . ....

Hollywood Party Line

TWO BIG PREEMS this month. First was “The Country Girl,” with all proceeds going to the Olympic Fund. When it was over, just about everyone agreed that its three stars, Bing Crosby, Bill Holden and Grace Kelly rated Academy Awards for their performances. Among those...

Go Out To A Movie

12 Angry Men—Though tension builds steadily throughout this unusual drama, its intelligent and penetrating approach provides material for thought, as well as lively entertainment. ...

Hollywood Party Line

You’ll be seeing and reading more about it on other pages—but I couldn’t start party paragraphs this time with anything but photoplay’s Gold Medal Award dinner....