What do you know! Beautiful Ursula Thiess has just married lonely old Bob Taylor—that poor cuss who has nothing to offer a girl but love, fun and security!...
Ava Gardner stars in M-G-M’s 30th Anniversary picture, “Knights of the Round Table”
Her loves are stormy passages in her life, for no man, it seems, has found the key to her wayward heart or brought her permanent happiness. The answer may be...
TWO OLD-FASHIONED hoe-downs (one, hillbillyish, one just old-fashioned) were among Movietown’s high spots this month. Both honored Western-type fellers—Guy Madison and John Wayne. An actor has to be an unusually nice guy to have his agent throw an expensive shindig for him; and it was...
Throughout the ages, the world has thrilled to the romance of medieval England. And to the deeds of valor of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. In one of its most lavish Technicolor spectacles, M-G-M tells the story of King Arthur's heroic...
For the love of Ava Gardner, Frank Sinatra risked his career, almost ended it with his stormy marriage, Today he’s hack on top of the world. But alone, it’s an empty victory...