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Clifton Webb Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Clifton Webb" (Page 2)

Hollywood Party Line

Boys and girls, squares and rounds! This past month has been the craziest! People you’d least suspect going in for frantic antics, wild quotes, dinners, preems and parties unending, it seemed....

Hollywood Party Line

Hollywood guys and dolls have been livin’ it up with an assortment of parties, preems, openings—as usual. But this month things were a bit more varied than usual! One of the more colorful events. was the weekend junket Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis staged at...

Hollywood Party Line

THERE WERE two extra-splashy preems, plus lots of parties large and small, to say naught of “special events” this month. But of course, nothing topped the Academy Awards—for glamour attendance and glamorous duds. No one looked lovelier than Liz Taylor in her full-skirted Fontana original. It...

Glamour Gab Of Hollywood

New fads for the femmes . . . Monroe confuses the press . . . entertaining ideas for parties . . . the Lancasters’ answer to gossip spreaders...

The Reluctant Traveler

Making a movie in Greece was exciting, living in a rock ’n’ roll home was fun. But at times Alan Ladd was ready to give up the ship....

Go Out To A Movie

12 Angry Men—Though tension builds steadily throughout this unusual drama, its intelligent and penetrating approach provides material for thought, as well as lively entertainment. ...

Profile In Courage

Whatever you have thought or said about Bob Wagner in praise or blame, read this story, please, and cheer him—as we do....