y, Americans got their first look at the highest paid movie actress in the world. Her name: Sophia Loren from Naples, Italy. Adding up the names of the lady Academy Award winners in the past four years we find that one is Dutch (Audrey Hepburn),...
I BELIEVE Edmund Purdom portrays a dashing hero in the “Dragnet” acting manner. . . . Wonder if Audrey Hepburn paid Dior to try to make her fashionable. . . . “White Christmas” reminds me: I go for Rosemary Clooney singing, “Love, You Didn’t Do...
THE PARTY OF THE YEAR—and no doubt about it, was the out-of-this-world dinner-dance Sonja Henie so lavishly tossed at her home. The Henie had imported and installed a complete “Dancing Water Ballet.” The installation cost $7500! “Everybody”—as they say, was at Sonja’s party. In their...
Biggest and most celeb-studded affair in a really frantic month was the enormous dinner tossed by the Producers’ Cuild honoring Darryl Zanuck. It was unique in that people didn’t just dine, sit through a bunch of speeches and then speed away. Nope! This affair was...