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50’s Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "50’s" (Page 3)

It Just Happened—Audrey Hepburn

Audrey’s mother said, “No!” Mel’s family didn’t approve. All their friends said, “Don’t!” And then one day, in a secluded Swiss chapel, without a word of warning they were married....

The Truth About James Stewart

Supposedly the shyest man in Hollywood, Jimmy seldom goes nightclubbing with Gloria—but shyness has nothing to do with it. Nor did he remain unmarried so long because he was too inarticulate to propose to any girl—these theories are just part of the Stewart legend, created...

That Imported Feeling—Deborah Kerr

They met her at the boat with two Cadillacs and gave her the keys to America. But Deborah Kerr was lonely, thinking of home, dreaming of dreary London mists under a bright California sky . . ....

Try and Stop Me!—Tyrone Power

It’s rare that one man knows as much about another as Henry King knows about Tyrone Powers: Mr. King directed Ty’s first starring picture back in 1936. The magnificent Captain from Castile brings his total of Power pictures to seven. In seeking a byline suited...

Crossroads—Danny Kaye

“We played a game of stay away—” That’s the lament in the old song. But nobody knows if the Kayes have come to an end, or a new beginning,...