Sandra Dee: “Nobody Ever Carries My Books To School . . .”
There are forty chairs in my class,” said Sandra Dee, looking around he little white bungalow where she goes to high school.
“—And she’s the most popular best looking, most intelligent, best dressed, most talented and best-all-around girl in her class,” added her teacher, Mrs. Gladys Hoene. Then they both laughed.
The joke is, Sandra’s the only pupil in her class.
“Not so long ago, the other chairs belonged to Piper Laurie, Donald O’Connor, Deanna Durbin. . .
“In a regular school,” Mrs. Hoene put in proudly, “Sandra would surely be a straight ‘A’ student; she’s very serious about her work.”
Sandra made a face. “How can you be anything but serious when you’re the whole student body?”
School begins at 9 a.m. “But sometimes,” Sandra noted, “I have to report to Hair & Makeup at seven!” There she crams under the dryer, with not a chance of her copying anyone’s homework.
And there’s no gossiping, reading magazines under the desk or passing notes—and worst of all, no boys!
“The men I work with all call me ‘B-F’ (Baby-Face),” she admitted, “especially when they see me studying Civics (her least favorite subject) between love scenes.
“And you should hear the ribbing I take during lunch at the commissary, too. They’re always asking, ‘How does your football team look this year?’ and ‘Just heard you’re at the top of your class—and the bottom, too.’
“But it’s not so bad, ’cause I love my teacher and I love French. Besides, I graduate this June, and the only thing I’ll really miss is going to a Senior Prom.”
We thought we caught a wistful look on her face as she buried it in a giant text, “Psychology for Living.”